Learn Wagashi

 In my class you'll have have the opportunity to sample various types of wagashi and pair these with a delicious Japanese green tea. Also, we'll engage in hands-on sessions to create steamed manju and the unique wagashi known as shioman. My teaching approach is friendly and easy to follow. Plus, the recipes are readily available online, enabling you to create these delicious treats back home. Before you leave class, I'll ensure you feel confident in replicating the desserts in your own kitchen.

Embark on your wagashi making journey from the comfort of your home even if you can't travel to attend in-person classes. Our comprehensive 7-piece start kit provides you with all of the essentials tools necessary to begin crafting wagashi delicacies on your own. Take the first step towards mastering this traditional art form with confidence and convenience. 

Purchase your wagashi starter kit here



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